Blockley Ramblers News – Updated 28 November 2009 Blockley Ramblers now walk mid-week as well as on Sundays. Depending on Bank Holidays, mid-week walks are being arranged for the first Tuesday of each month, the walks being similar in length to the Sunday’s i.e. around 4-5 miles.
Keith has stopped arranging all day walks on Thursdays as take up was
not good although we all enjoyed the morning walk and stopping for lunch
in a pub. That will continue I hope. December walks
Sunday 13th
December Midweek walks Tuesday
1st December Thursday
17th December NB Everyone participating in walks does so at her/his own risk and should not leave the group without informing the leaders. Please ensure that your clothing/footwear is appropriate to the conditions. If you walk with a dog, please keep it on the lead when on roads or where live stock is present. Also, wherever possible, please share cars to avoid congestion at meeting place. Suggestions for future walks will be gratefully received. Please email details to keithsisson@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Wardens