Blockley Ramblers

Blockley Ramblers News – Updated 12 October 2011

Blockley Ramblers now walk mid-week as well as on Sundays. Depending on Bank Holidays, mid-week walks are being arranged for the first Tuesday of each month, the walks being similar in length to the Sunday’s i.e. around 4-5 miles.

Keith has stopped arranging all day walks on Thursdays as take up was not good although we all enjoyed the morning walk and stopping for lunch in a pub. That will continue I hope.


October walks

Sunday 9 October

Walk:           Stanton - Stanway - Stanton
Distance:      4.5 miles, moderate
Leaders:       Julie & Anthony Downing
Meet:           Stanton Village car park @ 10.00
(OS Explorer 45/067343) 

Midweek walks

Tuesday 4 October.
Through Blockley’s woods (Bourton, Warren and Norcombe).
The distance is 5 miles and it’s easy going.
Meet at 10.00 at the Blockley shop & cafe.

Thursday 20 October.
Walking from
Longborough (with the Cotswold Wardens).
Westwards across the high wolds to Ford and back. Pub lunch available.
Meet at 10.00 at the Cotswold Food Store on the A424 Stow-Broadway road (OS Explorer 45/170296).

Keith has asked me to give you advance warning of a change in the Sunday walk in November:

  • First, he will be bringing the walk forward to SUNDAY 6 NOVEMBER - to avoid the clash with armistice Sunday on 13 November.
  • Second, the walk will be from Blockley to Snowshill and return, with the option to do the return only - he has decided that the walk he had originally proposed (Napton-on-the-Hill in Warwickshire) would be too far to travel.

Please note that the date of the AGM is Monday 28th Nov at 8.00 in the Little Village Hall. Keith will be standing down as Chair and so it would be really good if someone could put themselves forward as the next chair. Keith will propose that there should not be any need to arrange mid week walks as they were so badly attended. The Cotswold wardens and the North Cotswold ramblers both have mid week walks which are well advertised. So the job of Chair person is considerably less than Keith has done.


NB Everyone participating in walks does so at her/his own risk and should not leave the group without informing the leaders. Please ensure that your clothing/footwear is appropriate to the conditions. If you walk with a dog, please keep it on the lead when on roads or where live stock is present. Also, wherever possible, please share cars to avoid congestion at meeting place.

Suggestions for future walks will be gratefully received. Please email details to

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