Edith Elizabeth Appleton Diaries - Volume 2 Part 1

Photo of Jessie Congleton

We are indebted to Sue Light (http://www.scarletfinders.co.uk/)  and http://greatwarnurses.blogspot.com/)  for unearthing this photo of Jessie Congleton.  Date unclear.  Here's what Sue says:

This is a photo that includes Miss Congleton (of hammer versus screw fame) - she is the Matron sitting at the front on our right, without an apron. I wouldn't have known this was her, but I came across the original of this photo at the Imperial War Museum, in the Olive Edis collection, and luckily it was named.


Click here for Volume 2 Part 2 - 21 November 1915 to 25 April 1916
Edie is posted to General Hospital No. 1 at

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