Edith Elizabeth APPLETON
O.B.E.  R.R.C.





Last updated: 10 March 2008



This page is for sharing our thoughts and plans for improvements to the website

Here are a few for starters from Dick:

  1. Add some maps showing where Edie was located at different times but particularly one showing the various journeys of Ambulance Train 42 in late 1918.

  2. Divide up the very long pages for each volume.  I've already split volume 2 into the CCS period and the time at Etretat. But we could, perhaps, split each volume into a page for each month. Volume 3, for example, covers May to November 1916 (7 months). The top and bottom of each month would have links to the other months in that volume and a link back to the home page.  Maybe there are other ways of cutting down on the tedious scrolling?  I've added month by month pages in PDF format (March 2008).

  3. Add links from the text to explain things wot need explaining or further information.  E.g. reference to Lord George Sanger on 29 October in Volume 2. At present the whole link is spelled out on the page but the way links are done elsewhere seems to be to have the text which needs linking in a different colour so it's easy to spot where the links are.

  4. Maybe we have some more photos of Edie.

From Piers:

  1. Photos of us as children with Edie.

From Jill:

  1. I like all of the suggestions above, especially the maps, creating monthly pages, and adding photos of us as kids at Buddlebrook with Edie.


Please email me your thoughts and I'll add them here.